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Brian Fukushima


PO Box 581426

Salt Lake City, Utah 84158

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Join the Brian Fukushima for Salt Lake City Council, District 3 Campaign

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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Brian make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:

Before I started this campaign, I felt that I knew my neighborhood reasonably well. After walking door to door, I realized that District 3 consists of many independent micro-communities with different needs, strengths, and problems.  I would like to reach out to the different locations within District 3 to meet with you and to learn more about you and your particular issues, so that I can be a better advocate and liaison with the city.


Please contact me if you would like to host a house party for you and your neighbors to hear more about my ideas or for me to listen to your concerns.


I am a father, a physician and an outdoorsman who enjoys the quality of life in District 3.  Show your support for these issues and help make a difference and have your voice heard.  Consider a donation.


Checks can be made to: 

The Committee to Elect Brian Fukushima

PO Box 581426

Salt Lake City, Utah



One of the reasons I started this campaign is to involve the community in a similar mission. I am looking for volunteers to assist with all aspects of the campaign. I would especially like to encourage students to become involved in order to gain a better perspective of civics and the political process.  


As an undergraduate student at the University of Utah, I was a co-founder of the Asian American Student Association (AASA).  This organization has grown in size and influence on the campus. As such, I would like to enlist the help of college students interested in political sciences from all backgrounds but I would like to especially like to encourage participation of women and ethnic minorities.

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